

Friday 3 October 2014

Back on the road

Sat 27th Sept

Our days of lazily walking on the beach and watching the unusual jellyfish with their filigree tentacles and blue petticoats, must come to an end. We bid farewell to Ahmet and the pack of wild dogs that by now we have named, according to their personalities and appearance: Romeo, Chancer, Shortlegs (with the head and body of a stocky lab but legs only six inches long), Melon (the miserable Collie) and our favourite simply called Puppy. In a different life, she would be a great pet. She is bright, affectionate, eager to please and quick to learn. We can see how people spend so much money quarantining a dog they have fallen for when on holiday. As we go Puppy is pestering the rest of the pack, trying to find someone to play with her. This is your world, Puppy, good luck and stay safe.

The weather all over Turkey is bad, so which ever road we choose it will be wet. We stick to our plan and head toward the Black Sea coast. If we thought our experience of landslides was over when we left Pakistan, if we thought our adventures were over when we left Pakistan, if we thought poor roads were a thing of the past we were wrong!

The further we went the worse the conditions became: landslides, roads washed away, flooding. In the worst section we genuinely feared that the force of the water may cause Fay to float! We were in a catch 22, the conditions were too bad to risk staying put, we couldn't go back as by now that would be impassable, the only option was to risk continuing forwards. It was scary but Richard helped Fay to pick her way through the rocks and debris, unable to see what lay beneath, she kept her feet on the ground and delivered us safely to the other side.

Tonight we find shelter on an old disused campsite by a lake.

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